July 13, 2007


I went to see Die Hard 4.0 over the weekend. The original McLane outing is my favourite movie, so I've not looked forward to two hours at the cinema so much since Rocky Balboa was released earlier this year (sad, I know).

As good and innovative as this latest installment is (and it really is), I can't help but feel that with each successive sequel expanding the action beyond the claustrophobia of the first one, a little of the humanity and personality has been lost. A great movie then, but it would have been fun to go back to the roots of the franchise...

...and you hardly notice the lack of profanity.

1 comment:

Steven J. Dines said...

Saw this at the weekend too. Great popcorn movie, though it took a while before the 'Die Hard' feel to it kicked in. The sequence involving the rig and the jet fighter was a step too far for me, otherwise no complaints. First time in months that I've enjoyed a movie at the cinema...